Need some advice?

We can help you, whether you're in the process of developing a toy, just launched one, or have been in business for a while.

Our team can assist you in coming up with ideas that are specifically tailored to your toy or concepts.

Please note - consultations that give advice, do not provide a toy with a seal of approval. Toys are required to be entered into the toy testing program in order to be officially evaluated for a pediatric toy experts seal of approval.

  • Things you can brainstorm with Julie:

    Developmental Milestones:
    Ensure toys align with age-appropriate developmental milestones, covering skills like motor, language, social interaction, and cognitive development.

    Educational Value:
    Toys should entertain while fostering learning, promoting problem-solving, creativity, critical thinking, and language skills.

    Design toys suitable for a child's developmental level and interests, avoiding overly advanced or simplistic options.

    Engagement and Playability:
    Create engaging toys that sustain a child's interest through interactivity, colors, textures, and sounds.

    Multi-Sensory Stimulation:
    Enhance sensory development with toys that stimulate multiple senses (sight, touch, sound).

    Offer adaptable toys for various developmental stages, increasing value for both parents and children.

    Ease of Use:
    Ensure toys are easy for children to manipulate independently, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

    Clear Educational Goals:
    Toys claiming to develop specific skills should clearly state their educational objectives and provide usage guidance for parents.

  • Toy Concept Development

    Brainstorm and refine your toy ideas. Discuss what makes a toy concept appealing to children, considering age-appropriate design, play value, and educational elements.


    Get advice on the best way to go about getting a prototype made of your toy design.

    Manufacturing Strategies

    Explore manufacturing options for mass production. Discuss overseas and domestic manufacturing, cost considerations, quality control, and finding reliable manufacturers for your toy design.

    Safety Compliance

    Ensure your toy meets safety standards and regulations. Ask questions about safety testing, labeling requirements, and ways to design toys that are safe for children of all ages.

    Market Research and Target Audience

    Analyze the toy market to identify trends, competition, and opportunities. Determine your target audience and tailor your toy design to meet their needs and preferences.

    Marketing and Branding

    Develop a marketing strategy for your toy. Discuss packaging design, branding, and promotional tactics to effectively reach your target market and create buzz around your product.

    Distribution and Sales Channels

    Explore various distribution channels, including retail, e-commerce, and partnerships to determine what is the best route for you to go.

    Licensing and Intellectual Property

    Understand the importance of intellectual property rights in the toy industry. Learn about patents, trademarks, copyrights, and licensing agreements to protect your toy design and ideas.

Book a consulting call with Julie or Courtney, or both!